TED Talk of the Day #021: Do what you love (no excuses!)

At the Web 2.0 Expo, entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk gives a shot in the arm to dreamers and up-and-comers who face self-doubt. The Internet has made the formula for success simpler than ever, he argues. So there’s now no excuse not to do what makes you happy.
Continue reading TED Talk of the Day #021: Do what you love (no excuses!)

TED Talk of the Day #020: The Gospel of Doubt

We all have a Gospel (beliefs, rules, etc.) to live by. There can be great strength in blind faith. Emotionally, you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that you SHALL CERTAINLY be taken care of. What do you do when your firmly held beliefs turn out not to be true? When Casey Gerald’s religion failed him, he searched for something new to believe in — in business, in government, in philanthropy — but found only false saviors. In this moving talk, Gerald urges us all to question our beliefs and embrace uncertainty. Continue reading TED Talk of the Day #020: The Gospel of Doubt

TED Talk of the Day #019: How do you explain consciousness?

Our consciousness is a fundamental aspect of our existence, says philosopher David Chalmers: “There’s nothing we know about more directly…. but at the same time it’s the most mysterious phenomenon in the universe.” He shares some ways to think about the movie playing in our heads.
I totally identify with the speaker. I struggle to even BEGIN conversation on consciousness because people jump to analysis and theories DRIVEN BY RUSH OF MIND and not consciousness. Continue reading TED Talk of the Day #019: How do you explain consciousness?

TED Talk of the Day #018: One day of peace

Whatever your qualifications or whatever resources you have or do NOT have, you have a responsibility. The speaker quotes Frank Barnaby:
” … that all sectors of society had a responsibility to try and progress things and move things forward.”
Here’s a crazy idea: Persuade the world to try living in peace for just one day, every September 21. In this energetic, honest talk, Jeremy Gilley tells the story of how this crazy idea became real — real enough to help millions of kids in war-torn regions. Continue reading TED Talk of the Day #018: One day of peace

TED Talk of the Day #017: The worldwide web of belief and ritual

Our industrial society is scarcely 300 years old. That shallow history shouldn’t suggest to anyone that we have all of the answers for all of the questions that will confront us in the ensuing millennia.
Anthropologist Wade Davis muses on the worldwide web of belief and ritual that makes us human. He shares breathtaking photos and stories of the Elder Brothers, a group of Sierra Nevada indians whose spiritual practice holds the world in balance. Continue reading TED Talk of the Day #017: The worldwide web of belief and ritual

TED Talk of the Day #16: How Trees Talk to Each Other

A forest is much more than what you see,” says ecologist Suzanne Simard. Her 30 years of research in Canadian forests have led to an astounding discovery — trees talk, often and over vast distances. Learn more about the harmonious yet complicated social lives of trees and prepare to see the natural world with new eyes. Continue reading TED Talk of the Day #16: How Trees Talk to Each Other

TED Talk of the Day #015: Indigenous wisdom should be at the heart of climate activism

Many of us are talking about ills of modern society, current economic paradigms like capitalism and even some of the contemporary technologies and industries. To tackle a problem as large as climate change, we need both science and Indigenous wisdom, says environmental activist Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim. In this engaging talk, she shares how her nomadic community in Chad is working closely with scientists to restore endangered ecosystems — and offers lessons on how to create more resilient communities. Continue reading TED Talk of the Day #015: Indigenous wisdom should be at the heart of climate activism

TED Talk of the Day #014: Simple, effective tech to connect communities in crisis

Some people fear technology. Some are technology-blind. It is a pity that more people are not taking advantage of so many free software tools that are quite easy to master. Now, due to COVID-19, many are to forced to try tech-tools. Video chatting app Zoom has been around for years – but, now, due to COVID-19, it has got a huge surge in downloads and its stock has zoomed 200%. To state a self-evident truth – all tech is not high-tech. There are many free tools (or at least with good enough free versions) available. Let us get on a mission to help more people learn and use free and easy-to-use software tools / apps. Continue reading TED Talk of the Day #014: Simple, effective tech to connect communities in crisis

TED Talk of the Day #013: Where good ideas come from

Where to get GOOD ideas? HOW to get good ideas? First, let us define what is an IDEA. An idea can be seen as a connection of dots – as a network. So, the first step would be to expose yourself to lot of dots – thought patterns from a variety of backgrounds.
People often credit their ideas to individual “Eureka!” moments. But Steven Johnson shows how history tells a different story. Continue reading TED Talk of the Day #013: Where good ideas come from

TED Talk of the Day #012: TWO questions to uncover your passion — and turn it into a career

Some people say that before loudly telling the world that your PASSION is more important than MONEY, you must have amassed huge amounts of wealth. Though, the irony is that it might be too late.
What’s your passion? Social entrepreneur Noeline Kirabo reflects on her work helping out-of-school young people in Uganda turn their passions into profitable businesses — and shares the two questions you can ask yourself to begin doing the same. Continue reading TED Talk of the Day #012: TWO questions to uncover your passion — and turn it into a career